Firealpaca layers to frames
Firealpaca layers to frames

firealpaca layers to frames

There are standard brushes that mimic regular brush strokes, and lots of unique ones like Thorn which creates a trail of 3D thorns, or Leaf which leaves behind a trail of leaves. There are lots of different brushes to choose from, and FireAlpaca adds new ones each week. Clicking on the brush tool for example lets you change the color, size, and type of brush. On the right-hand side you have access to the main illustration tools like the brush, eraser, dot tool, move, fill, bucket, select, lasso, magic wand, select pen/eraser, text, operation, divide, eyedropper, and hand tool.Ĭlicking on a tool opens a secondary set of options where you can explore various aspects of the tool. At the very top of the screen are the program’s broader functions like file settings, and layers.

firealpaca layers to frames

This is my first tutorial so sorry if its jank or lame looking I kinda got lazy making it lmao.FireAlpaca has a simple interface with easy-to-use controls and lots of space between elements so it doesn’t feel cramped. This isn't a method of blending btw, it's just piling on color and praying it works. I can color a whole piece with this method in about 1-3 hours (to me thats pretty fast ok I like detail). I prefer the look of lines and streaks it's more realistic (and cooler looking)ĭESPITE THE LOOKS AND ALL THE STEPS THIS WAY OF COLORING IS SUPER DUPER QUICK AND LAZY. It literally has 3 brushes usable for coloring. DON'T USE AIRBRUSH/BLUR I actually don't like the look of completely blended coloring (it reminds me of smudging ew) and it's really uncreative and basic imo (unless theres a way to make it not look like the stated? idk I haven't seen it) This is a method of doing something with the pencil tool! FIREALPACA SUCKS WITH ITS BRUSHES. The methods for coloring in FireAlpaca is so extremely limited, theres not much you can do besides cell shade, airbrush it, or do something with the pencil tool. Then thats done and I choose a different color and repeat the process. Tbh, I choose random colors, pencil tool it up, mess with the opacity, and slap it on. I was asked to make a tutorial on how I color/shade on FireAlpaca, so here it is! Don't wanna erase everything on the outside at the end? Use the magic tool/clipping tool/protect alpha your base color and color on top ( ´ ▽`)~ I just got lazy lmao

Firealpaca layers to frames